What is A/B testing?
A/B Testing is a website optimization technique that involves sending one half users to one version of a page, and the other half to another version, and watching the web analytics to see which one is more effective.
Why should we perform an A/B testing?
A/B testing allows you to make data-driven decisions and to confirm or disprove your hypotheses before making changes. It helps to optimize a website to improve conversion rates, revenue and finally sales.
Should we trust successful A/B test case studies?
Something that works for one website is not necessarily good for another. It may even have a negative effect on your website performance because of a different audience and interaction with it. So you should not copy the changes of other websites and apply them.
How does an A/B test affect SEO?
A/B tests have no influence on a website’s SEO whatsoever. That fact was proven in 2012 by a Google employee. A test page is downloaded dynamically, when a visitor lands on a website. It is displayed via Javascript and cookies. Googlebot and other search engines, that do not support Javascript and cookies, see an original page only.